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Reignite the enthusiasm

  Jointz   2022/02/20


By nature, Hip Hop is a competitive space. The competition stems from the music and spreads to the lifestyle as a whole. SA Hip Hop, while barely out of its infancy, shot up to the top as a popular genre in the country. This had a lot to do with more than just a new generation of listeners with a matching palette. It came at a time when the genre found a sound that worked for all. 

This sound brough Hip Hop to its peak in SA. With that came a lot of money for rappers because Hip Hop itself is so marketable in urban culture - because of the lifestyle that it influences. 

In 2019, a new sound came to being that took mainstream shine from any other genre in SA music, and slowly but surely, the world. We should be proud to be the country of origin for Amapiano. But there has been a lot of moaning over how Hip Hop isn’t popping anymore. From artists and fans alike. 

This has thrown the genre into a slump of sorts, despite efforts from rappers that see the greater vision. It would appear that Hip Hop artists don't know how to handle Hip Hop not being the top consumed genre. 

There's a generation of rappers active at this point that came in while hip hop was at the top and all they know is how to move in those conditions. The vets that had to put in work to get it where it is are tired. It took more than one generation of rappers to get to the pinnacle. The Batton had to be passed along with the vision and those that bore the responsibility executed well enough to make it a reality.

Even now, it will take a lot to claim the limelight again. But isn’t that outside the hands of the genre? What SA hip hop needs to decide is whether they're willing to push the culture or sulk over what the audience prefers. And pushing the culture might very well include embracing Amapiano and killing the stigma against rappers who cross over to it. Because Amapiano is more than just a genre or a sound, it’s a platform. Rappers and their fans need to realise that. That and what they do with it is in the hands of the genre.

It would work much better to focus on putting in work. Hip Hop in SA has always been a niche market, yet still with more than just one sound. If they're worried about monetisation, that will naturally follow once there is enthusiasm around the culture again.

Rappers are competitive by design. That competitive spirit will prevail and pay off eventually.

Being niche also reduces the number of cats coming in to use the game as a stepping stone

The entire ecosystem of Hip Hop needs to come to the party in order to beat the slump. There’s still a market and an entire lifestyle that depends on this ecosystem. A shift in energy is needed because we can all sense the discouragement that has its grips on the game right now - mostly unwarranted, to be honest. The new generation of rappers have to be appreciated and embraced for the strides they’re making. Hip Hop doesn't have to be at the forefront for us to enjoy it again.